23 Benefits of Clove Oil

23 Surprising Benefits Of Clove Oil

The health benefits of clove oil can be attributed to its antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, aphrodisiac and stimulating properties. This oil is used for treating a variety of health issues including skin issues, toothaches, indigestion, cough, asthmaheadachestress and blood impurities. The most important and common use of clove oil is in dental care. Several toothpastes, mouthwashes, and oral care medications contain clove oil as an important ingredient.
Clove is an evergreen tree, which produces a flower bud that has numerous medicinal properties. It is often referred to as clove bud. It has a shaft and a head and hence, has the Latin name clavus, meaning nail. Clove was extensively used in ancient Indian and Chinese civilizations and it spread to other parts of the world, including Europe, during the seventh and eighth centuries. Even now, clove is used widely in several Indian and Chinese cuisines.
Clove is rich in minerals such as calcium, hydrochloric acid, ironphosphorussodiumpotassium, and vitamin A and vitamin C.

Health Benefits Of Clove Oil

Although it is known primarily for dental issues, the benefits are not limited to it. Clove oil can do wonders for you in multiple ways listed below.
Infections: Due to its antiseptic properties, clove oil is useful for wound, cuts, scabies, athlete’s foot, fungal infections, bruises, prickly heat, scabies, and other types of injuries. It can also be used for treating insect bites and stings. It is very strong in nature and should always be used in diluted form, but should be carefully used by people with sensitive skin.
Dental care: The most prominent use of clove oil is in dental care. The germicidal properties of the oil make it very effective for relieving dental pain, toothache, sore gums and mouth ulcers. It contains eugenol, which has been used in dentistry for many years. Gargling with diluted clove oil helps in easing throat pain and irritation. The characteristic smell of clove oil also helps to eliminate bad breath. Clove is also effective against cavities, and traditionally, in India, every day before going to sleep, clove oil was added to a small cotton ball and put at the end of the tooth which has a cavity. The cavity would vanish in a few days. As a result, clove oil is added to numerous dental products and medications, including mouthwash and toothpaste. Dentists also mix clove oil with zincoxide to prepare a white, filling material as a temporary alternative to a root canal. But be careful, it is very strong and can cause burns in your mouth if used incorrectly.
Recent studies and careful consideration of the power of clove oil have resulted in it being used as a soothing balm on infants who are teething. It can be applied to a baby’s gums in extremely diluted form as the antiseptic and soothing qualities of the oil can ease their pain and reduce the discomfort.
Skin care: Clove oil is often recommended for skin care, especially for acne patients. The effects are best achieved when the oil is used in liquid form and spread on a clean, dry rag. You will find it in many products for lessening the effects of aging, like wrinkles, sagging skin, and facial rejuvenation for the eyes because of its rejuvenating and stimulating properties, which can increase blood flow under the unhealthy skin and make it look young again.
Immune system: Both clove and clove oil are useful for boosting the immune system. Its antiviral properties and ability to purify the blood, increase resistance to a multitude of diseases, because the antioxidants in clove essential oil scavenge the body of dangerous free radicals that cause a multitude of diseases like heart problems and certain types of cancer.
cloveoilStress: Clove oil is an aphrodisiac in nature and therefore serves as an excellent stress reliever. It has a stimulating effect on the mind and removes mental exhaustion and fatigue. When ingested in appropriate amounts, it refreshes the mind and stimulates brain function. It also induces sleep and is helpful to patients suffering from insomnia. It is also useful for treating neural disorders such as memory lossdepression, and anxiety.
Headache: Clove oil, when mixed with salt and applied on the forehead, gives a cooling effect and helps in getting relief from headaches. Clove oil has many flavonoids within it, which are anti-inflammatory agents. When topically applied to the temples or neck, the anti-inflammatory quality will ease the inflammation or tension that often brings about headaches. For the same reason, clove oil is used as a pain reliever on other parts of the body, like joints and overworked muscles, to provide some relief from painful inflammation or swelling.
Respiratory problems: Clove oil has a cooling and anti-inflammatory effect, and is frequently used to clear the nasal passage. This expectorant is a useful treatment for various respiratory disorders including coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, and tuberculosis. Chewing a clove bud is recommended to soothe sore throats.
Sty: Clove and clove oil are very effective home remedies for treating sty. Sty is an inflammation on the eyelash and can be a very irritating and painful condition. It causes difficulty in the functioning of the eye. Clove oil has also been shown to be a preventative of other eye infections due to its antibacterial qualities.
Ear ache: A mixture of warm clove oil and sesame oil is a good remedy for earaches. The clove flower is a source of the beneficial additive of this already powerful essential oil.
Indigestion: Clove oil has traditionally been effective for the treatment of stomach-related problems such as hiccups, indigestion, motion sickness, and flatulence. Therefore, clove is one of the most important spices added to many Indian dishes.
Nausea: Clove oil is helpful in reducing nausea and vomiting and is often used for sickness and discomfort. Using it occasionally in aromatherapy or topically applying it to pillows at night for long-term inhalation can result in positive effects.
Blood circulation: Clove oil increases your body’s metabolism by increasing blood circulation and reducing body temperature. An increase in blood circulation typically means a reduction in tension of the blood vessels, a problem commonly associated with tension headaches. Furthermore, increased circulation adds to the oxygenation of the blood and organ systems, which increases metabolism and raises organ efficiency. Finally, in terms of diabetes, increased blood flow can help prevent some of the most dangerous side effects of this terrible disease that can lead to major complications, amputations, and even death. Eugenol is the active ingredient in clove essential oil that causes this stimulation of blood circulation.
Blood purification: Clove oil also helps in purifying the blood; studies have shown that the aroma extracts can actually reducetoxicity in the blood and stimulate antioxidant activity throughout the body, thereby boosting the immune system as well as purifying platelets.
Premature ejaculation: Research has indicated that clove can be useful for treating premature ejaculation. However, further research needs to be carried out to confirm these results.
Cholera: Studies done by many medical practitioners have suggested that clove oil is useful for treating cholera.
Diabetes: Along with blood purification, clove oil helps control the level of blood sugar, making it very useful to patients suffering from diabetes. Studies have shown that the postprandial insulin and glucose response mechanisms are more regulated when clove oil is acting on the body’s systems. This is primarily due to the phenol concentration found in clove oil, which is one of the highest in terms of spice plants of its general type.
Cancer: Many people believe that clove oil is useful in preventing and treating cancer. However, the American Cancer Society clearly mentions that there is no scientific evidence on the curative properties of clove oil.

Other Uses Of Clove Oil

Insect Repellent: Clove oil is commonly used as a component in bug repellent and insect-repelling candles because the vapor is very potent for the olfactory senses of many insects. Traditionally, a few drops of clove oil were placed on the bedsheets at night to keep bugs away.
Cosmetics: Clove oil is often added in cosmetic creams and lotions, and it is commonly known as a good massage oil that provides relief from pain and stress.
cloveoilClove cigarettes: Usage of clove in making cigarettes is a new trend all over the world, although traditionally, clove was added to cigarettes in Indonesia. Smokers incorrectly feel that the numerous health benefits of clove would nullify the ill effects of smoking, whereas the natural elements in clove cigarettes only reduce the harmful impacts, but smoking clove cigarettes can still be carcinogenic.
Flavoring Agent: Along with trying to benefit from cloves’ digestive properties, the essential oil is also added to food items due to its rich flavor. It is added in a multitude of Indian dishes, pickles, sauces, spice cakes, and many cultural foods.
Soap: Due to its powerful aroma, soothing effect and antiseptic properties, clove oil is often added as an active ingredient while making soaps.
Perfumes: Clove oil is also used in making perfumes because of its powerful and unique aroma.
Aromatherapy: Clove oil blends well with many essential oils including basil essential oilrosemary essential oil, rose oil, cinnamon essential oil, grapefruit essential oillemon essential oil, nutmeg essential oil, peppermint essential oil, orange essential oillavender essential oilgeranium essential oil. This makes clove oil a popular element in aromatherapy and other herbal combinations.

Clove Oil- Risks

One should be careful while using clove oil because it is very strong even in small quantities and must be diluted before application or ingestion. Since eugenol (the main part of clove essential oil) is not very common, some people discover violent allergies when taking too much at once. Use small amounts of any essential oil if you have never used it before.
Furthermore, preliminary risks of clove oil include some intestinal discomfort, which is most common in children, and in the most serious cases, has even been connected to kidney and liver failure. Clove oil can cause blood sugar to drop, so diabetics should be cautious, pregnant women and those who are nursing should not use clove oil, as it is not clear whether this strong compound passes to the infant in the breast milk. As with any change to diet or nutritional supplement, it is best to consult a doctor before administering or adding to your daily or weekly regimen.

How to use clove oil for toothache?

Grab a cotton ball and dab on a bit of the clove oil. Then, hold it against the tooth that is hurting. Within a few minutes, the tooth will be numb. The effect of clove oil on a toothache is almost immediate, and it is very simple to do. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic nature of clove oil makes it an excellent topical agent, and it can also help reduce infection and protect the immune system at the same time.

How to use clove oil?

You can use clove oil in a number of ways, depending on what ailment you are trying to fix. For example, you can topically apply a small amount of clove oil on an aching tooth, and you can also mix clove oil with honey or another carrier oil and topically apply it to the skin. This can help to heal wounds and clear up blemishes. If you want to perform an intestinal cleanse with clove oil, you can consume small amounts, but it is best to do this under the supervision of a doctor.

What is clove oil good for?

Clove oil is good for quite a few things as a natural healing agent. When it comes to topical pain on the body, clove oil can be a numbing agent, and also relieves pain and inflammation. Clove oil can be used in toothaches to reduce the pain and can protect against oral infections. Clove oil has a number of antioxidants, which means that consuming small amounts or applying it to the skin can reduce oxidative stress and prevent chronic disease.

What does clove oil do?

Clove oil does many things in the realm of anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Many people know about clove oil because it can clear up acne and other severe skin irritations, and can also help clear out bacterial infections in the gut. Clove oil is good for hair growth and appearance and is commonly applied for toothaches, due to its numbing effects. It can also be mixed with carrier oils and used as a face wash to moisturize the skin.

What is eugenic oil?

Eugenic oil is basically an essential oil of clove oil. It is a pale, yellow or colorless liquid that can be chemically separated from clove oil. It is also found in the essential oil of bay leaf and cinnamon. Also known as eugenol, it is often used as an antiseptic and an anesthetic substance. However, due to its high concentration when not diluted in other oils, it can be harmful to the liver when consumed in large quantities.

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