Home Remedies for Asthma

Home Remedies For Asthma

The home remedies for asthma include deep breathing, Pranayam, Indian gooseberryginger, drumstick leaves, bitter gourd roots, and safflower. Asthma is basically a chronic condition, which involves the constriction of the airways of the respiratory system. It is caused due to inflammation or the deposition of mucus in the inner linings of the air vessels.
Asthma attacks are often triggered when the respiratory tracts are exposed to tobacco smoke, allergens, perfume, moist or warm air, emotional stress or exercise. In response, the sensitive airways respond with a strong allergic reaction. At present, no concrete cure for asthma has been discovered. However, it can definitely be controlled through various home remedies and medications, so that it doesn’t jeopardize the patient’s life.
Asthma is a Greek word, which means ‘breathing problem’ and is caused due to various allergens. It causes a malfunctioning of the respiratory system, although the patient can stay healthy and normal in between attacks. However, asthma attacks can worsen at times and can cause life-threatening consequences. Moreover, asthma is a major and costly public health problem, as found by Asthma Clinical Research Centres network.

Symptoms Of Asthma

The prominent symptoms of asthma attacks are:
Decrease in the functioning of the lungs
Chronic cough
Interrupted talking
Shortness of breath
Flaring of nostrils
A feeling of tightness in the chest

Diagnosis Of Asthma

Diagnosis of asthma is carried out through laboratory tests, chest x-rays, physical examination, and careful measurement. Environment control is the initial step, which has to be adopted for the regular treatment of asthma. Asthmatics need to pay close attention to the environment, as they cannot escape their condition. Monitoring the functioning of the lungs is the next essential step. Later, medications are prescribed to the asthmatics. These medications are normally bronchodilators and corticosteroids.
Asthma affects approximately 15 million Americans, nearly 5 million of whom are under the age of 18, as concluded by the Palo Alto Medical Foundation. Patients suffering from asthma feel more problems in exhaling than inhaling. The allergic reactions are caused by weather, food, perfumes, physical activity, medicines, drugs, dust, and other irritants.

asthamaHome Remedies For Asthma

The home remedies for asthma are as follows:

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing helps to increase the amount of oxygen taken in by the lungs and thereby reduces the effect of congestion created by asthma. Normally, people breath in a shallow manner, and due to this, a large portion of the air remains in our lungs when we exhale. As a result, in the next breath when we inhale air, less space is available for fresh air to come in and our lungs receive less oxygen. On the other hand, during deep breathing, we evacuate our lungs while exhaling and a good amount of air comes in the lungs when we inhale fresh air. There are different variations of deep breathing, the most popular being Pranayam.


Soak 3-4 dry figs after cleaning them properly in warm water overnight. Figs play a pivotal role in reducing the various symptoms of asthma attacks. They also help in curing the different symptoms associated with asthma.


Dilute the juice of 1 lemon in 1 glass water. Drink this mixture during meals. Lemon kills the germs, which are present in the mucus underlining the air vessels and works as an antiseptic.

Indian Gooseberry

This is a medicinal tonic for curing asthma. Mix 5 grams of this in 1 tablespoon of honey to make a tonic. Take it every morning. Within six months, the prominent symptoms will be resolved.

Roots of Bitter Gourd

Take a spoon of root paste and an equal amount of tulsi juice or honey. Consume once for 1 month at night. This works as a beneficial antiseptic.

Drumstick Leaves

Prepare a soup of the bunch of leaves and 180ml water. Boil for 5 minutes. Let it cool and add seasoning, pepper and lemon juice for extra flavour.


Take 10 cloves and boil them in 30ml milk. This is for patients suffering from an early stage of asthma. You can drink hot ginger tea with 2 minced garlic cloves in morning as well as in the evening.


This is meant for bronchial asthma. Mix half a teaspoon of dry safflower seed powder with 1 tablespoon of honey. Take this mixture 1-2 times a day.


Make an expectorant by mixing 1 teaspoon of ginger juice, a 1 cup decoction of fenugreek, and honey, as per your taste. You can also make a remedy by mixing 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in 1 cup of water. Drink this twice a day.


Your diet must include fresh fruits, grains, green vegetables, seeds, and sprouts. You should avoid ricelentilscurdsugar, fried foodscoffee, tea, sauces, alcoholic beverages, processed foods, and condiment pickles.

Fasts and Exercises

You can fast for once a week to relieve asthma issues. Breathe fresh air, do light exercise, and maintain healthy posture to avoid asthma attacks.


Add a pinch of turmeric paste to 1 glass of water. This remedy is most effective on an empty stomach. It aids in reducing the mucous lining.


Massage mustard oil with a bit of camphor on your chest to ease the congestion and blockage.


This is an herb that works wonder as an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant agent, as well as an immune stimulator. Thus, it plays an important role in reducing the symptoms of asthma.

Reishi Mushroom

It can reduce allergies and is often used as an immune tonic.

Cinnamon Powder

Mix 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with 1 teaspoon of honey and consume it before sleeping.

Milk with Butter

Take 1 glass of hot milk and add turmeric and lots of butter to cure congestion.


Sip a hot water mix with one teaspoon of honey before going to bed. It effectively reduces the accumulated mucous lining.


Maintain proper hygiene. Sleep in a clean bed. Use separate towels, bed sheets, pillows, and other items of daily use. Avoid dust, insects, pets, plants, and strong smells of perfumes, flowers, or chemical sprays. Keep yourself clean, bathe properly, and avoid catching cold. You should use warm water to bathe if you have a tendency to catch cold.
References: Palo Alto Medical FoundationUniversity of Dundee and National Asthma Council Research


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