CBD Testimonial

I wanted to share this testimonial with you all. CBD has done some amazing things for many people. I will be sharing some of the things that really stand out to me on my blog. For this business being free it is a great time to join. Even if you just want to try the products. We have products for so many things you have to see it for yourself. http://behealthywithne.MyCTFOCBD.com/CBD
Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Spinal Surgery & My CTFO Business
(CBD Oil 1500 mg and Ultimate Deep Healing Pain Cream with Emu Oil )
This is my story. It's long but my journey has been longer. It's been in my drafts in progress for weeks.
I have had fibromyalgia for over 26 years. I also suffered from depression, anxiety and migraines with aura for most of my life. And let's not forget insomnia which came along about 10 years ago.
For my migraines, I have taken almost every prescription medication available through the years including Fiorinal with Codeine, Imitrex, Zomig, Demerol, Inderal, Tylenol 3, Cafergot, Maxalt & Naproxen to name a few. Preventative meds caused nasty side effects so that wasn't an option other than taking magnesium supplements. For my depression/anxiety, over the last 33 years, I have taken all of the following antidepressants. Changes to medications usually occurred due to side effects or being no longer effective: Prozac, Zoloft, Effexor, Cymbalta, Paxil, Celexa and Wellbutrin. The withdrawal symptoms were almost worse than being on the drugs. For my insomnia, I was prescribed Ativan, Ambien, Tramadol and Lorazepam, And finally, for my fibromyalgia symptoms, there was a correlation between the antidepressants and symptom relief however, for good measure, let's add some more drugs. I was given Lyrica then Gabapentin and eventually Naproxen. I was on Naproxen coupled with Extra Strength Tylenol for years before discovering CBD oil.
In 2011, I had a car accident...hit from behind..car totalled. This caused a tear in my rotator cuff and required open shoulder surgery in 2013. Then, a tumour was discovered on my T8 vertebrae. I had spinal surgery (a triple laminectomy of T7-T9) in November 2017....benign (thankfully)....6-12 month recovery. Still recovering. It was the WORST pain of my life....not exaggerating. Apparently, for those of us who have fibromyalgia, the pain is significantly worse as our nerve endings are always on "edge".
When I discovered CBD oil, I weaned off 4 medications out of 5 within 30 days. It was incredible! And then a couple of months before my spinal surgery, I noticed that I wasn't getting the same relief. I needed to find a CBD oil with a higher potency & possibly better quality. Surgery caused a major setback. I was on Hydromorphone and then Tylenol 3 and back on Naproxen and Tylenol. I was also still on Wellbutrin. My doctor was supportive of me getting off these nasty drugs when I felt ready.
I ordered the 1500 mg CBD oil and the Ultimate Deep Healing Pain Cream with Emu Oil. I was still taking a high dose of Naproxen daily and Wellbutrin. On the first day that I took the 1500 mg, my pain went from a 9 to a 6 in about 30 minutes. The constant pain in my back from the surgery made it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. The pain cream was applied to my back every night and it really helped me to not focus on the pain as much.
I have now been taking the 1500 mg CBD oil for just over a month. I'm up to 10 drops 3 times a day. I still use the pain relief cream every night before bed. This is ALL I'm using for pain now. Mornings are bad. Wake up and the pain is an 8-9, Within 30 minutes, it drops to a 5-6 now after 10 drops. It's manageable and allows me to do my physio and focus on recovery. I hadn't had a migraine either until last week. I think it was weather related. I took an extra 10 drops once my aura started and I rubbed the pain relief cream on my temples and forehead. Within 30 minutes, the aura was gone and I was up about an hour after it had started with only a mild headache left. No nausea and no lethargy from the old Rx meds!
My doctor can't believe that 3 months after my surgery, I'm doing as well as I am. He hasn't had to refill my prescriptions which was surprising to him. He was also pleased to see that I wasn't depressed considering my pain level and the fact that I have been house bound until very recently. Soon, I will be starting the long journey of weaning off my last Rx medication. Due to the half life of the antidepressants, I am extremely grateful that I now have CBD oil to help me counteract the side effects.
I attribute my improvements to CTFO. Not only has it improved my HEALTH but it has dramatically increased my WEALTH.
One of my biggest fears last year was being off work due to my chronic conditions and pending surgery. I sincerely believe that through the Law of Attraction and my daily meditation practice, that I was able to set things in motion that led me to these life changing products and this incredible opportunity. In a very short amount of time, I have created a business that allows me to earn more than I ever have in my corporate positions. I have an amazing team of people who motivate me every day to push myself. I get to work from home and no more sick days. They are all "me" days. I have finally found my passion and this is my story. I now get to share it knowing that I'm helping people change their lives too.
CTFO has changed my HEALTH and my WEALTH. It has changed MY future outcome and I know that this is just the beginning...
****(Please feel free to share my story however, please respect my request to only use my initials and NOT my name or my photo. Thank you. S.T.)


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