Six years ago I woke up and was not able to walk. It was a very scary experience. It started me on a road of MRI’s, x-rays, physical therapy and wound up with back surgery a spinal fusion. I have been on several prescriptions for pain as I will have to live with pain for the rest of my life. The problem is that most of the scripts I would need to get relief are controlled substances with a lot of side effects. Fast forward to CFTO being introduced to me. Legal cannabis oil that has a minimal percentage of THC in it making it totally legal and also products with no THC at all. I started to do my research and I weaned myself off of all my controlled substances for pain and started taking the CBD oil. Not only did my pain lessen it also allowed me to sleep at night which was something I had struggled with for a very long time. Having rest and not being in pain all day everyday has allowed me to get some of my life back. This company is awesome and I decided to also become a rep. I joined as can you absolutely free, share with friends and family and you too can have a great business that is only going to get bigger and better. Check us out, you have nothing to loose no obligation to buy or do as a business but I guarantee if you do, you won’t regret it.


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