Antibiotic overuse

As soon as we get the sniffles, sore throat or a drippy nose the first thing many of us do is reach for an antibiotic. They’re usually readily available in our medicine cabinets. They are available because they are over-prescribed by doctors and emergency rooms everywhere and all the time.
47,000,000 prescriptions in the U.S. are unnecessarily prescribed causing efforts to improving the way we take and the way physicians prescribe antibiotics to become a national priority.
The article below from the Centers for Disease Control outlines the dangers of overuse of antibiotics. Surprisingly at least 23,000 people a year dies from antibiotic misuse.
The article points out when antibiotics should be taken and when they are needed. It also tells us when they shouldn’t be taken and when they are NOT needed. It also recommends alternatives that you can use (and things you can do) to feel better. While antibiotics can be very effective when prescribed and taken properly, they can also cause physical problems like reductions in good bacteria and immunity to the antibiotics themselves.
Of course, the best way to fight disease is to stay healthy in the first place. A good diet, plenty of water and moderate to vigorous exercise are good lifestyle choices to avoid the onset of disease. A pure and effective vitamin regime can also be effective. Be sure that you research the supplements that you choose and make sure that there are studies that support your choice.


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