Benefits of Dill Essential Oil
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10 Wonderful Benefits Of Dill Essential Oil
The health benefits of Dill Essential Oil can be attributed to its properties as an antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, disinfectant, galactogogue, sedative, stomachic and sudorific substance.
Dill Essential Oil is extracted through steam distillation of dried seeds and the whole plant of dill, botanically known as Anethum Sowa. The basic components of dill essential oil are D-Carvone, Dillapiol, Eugenol, Limonene, Terpinene and Myristicin. Since ancient times, dill seeds have been associated with magical healing powers. It actually isn’t magic, just science, but let’s explore some of the impressive health benefits of dill essential below.
Health Benefits Of Dill Essential Oil
Antispasmodic: Spasms can be very irritating and in extreme cases, can even be fatal. Spasms are cases of unwanted and abnormal contractions, either in the respiratory tracts, intestines, muscles, or nerves. These spasms may result in non-stop coughs, hiccups, cramps, muscle pulls, convulsions, or epileptic attacks. In extreme cases, a patient may have acute pain in the intestines or may run out of breath in cases of coughs and hiccups and may even collapse. Such attacks of spasms can be pacified with the help of dill essential oil. It has a relaxing effect on nerves, muscles, intestines and the respiratory system and pacifies spasmodic attacks, providing quick relief.

Digestive: Dill seeds have been in use as a remedy to facilitate digestion for thousands of years. This digestive property of dill seeds comes from its essential oils. Dill oil promotes digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive juices like gastric juices, acids and bile in the stomach. Its aroma also stimulates the salivary glands and thus aids in the primary digestion of the food in the mouth.
Lastly, it stimulates the peristaltic movement of the intestines and helps the ingested food to advance through them, thereby facilitating digestion and preventing conditions like constipation and piles.

Galactogogue: A galactogogue is a substance or an agent that increases the formation of milk in the breasts. It also enhances the quality of the milk. This property is very helpful for lactating mothers and the baby’s overall health. Dill oil is a well known Galactogogue. Apart from increasing milk secretion, it also helps babies in another way. Babies who are fed on their mother’s milk often suffer from flatulence, indigestion and gas. The carminative and digestive properties of dill oil are absorbed in the milk and can indirectly help the baby get rid of such problems.
Stomachic: Being a stomachic means being an agent that keeps the stomach healthy, toned and functioning properly; dill oil does exactly that. It keeps the stomach in proper shape, regulates the secretion of digestive juices and bile into it, keeps it safe from infections and also helps the healing process of ulcers or wounds, if any, in the stomach.
Vulnerary: Dill essential oil acts as a vulnerary by promoting the quick healing of wounds, either external or internal, and protecting them from infections.
Sudorific: Dill oil brings about sweating, thereby creating a feeling of lightness. This also helps to remove excess water, salt and toxic substances from the body, the lowering of blood pressure, a reduction of swelling and the protection of the skin’s overall health. Perspiration, except when it is abnormally heavy, is seen as a sign of good health.
Candida: Dill essential oil helps to prevent fungal diseases such as candida. Research suggests that it induces apoptosis in pathogen Candida albicans.
Sedative: Dill oil has beneficial sedating and calming effects on the nerves and the brain, making a person feel relaxed and satisfied. It is useful for getting rid of anxiety, tension, anger, depression and even hypertension. It also helps you to have a good night’s sleep at the end of the day.
Other Benefits and Uses
It helps ease constipation and cures colic. Apart from being beneficial in treating many diseases it also extensively used in agriculture to protect the crops such as rapeseed from infection. Use of dill oil helps to effectively prevent oilseed crops fungal disease caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.
Few Words of Caution
Dill essential oil should be avoided during pregnancy, but is appropriate for nursing mothers.
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