
This little bottle of Omega-3 has changed our lives. My five year old grandson has had speech difficulties and it was decided he would go to the school a little farther than his home school because they have a 1:12:1 kindergarten where he would receive the services that he needed. Because of the speech issues his concentration was affected and that in turn affected his behavior. He was showing signs of ADHD although his doctor said he was too young to officially diagnosis him. I decided it was time to do something before he was put on an medications. I started working with this amazing company who had this product and the best part of it is that it is all online and it is natural and they have their Omega-3 in a liquid form. It is a consistency of a smoothie and comes in two flavors this mango and a lime. I decided to try it on him. 

The results were amazing. Within three months I was called in for an update to his IEP meeting and it was decided he was too advanced for the special ed kindergarten and while he needed a bit more help still it was services he could receive in the general ed classroom. So we made the decision to move him. He had no bad behavior days. His concentration was simply amazing. At the end of the school year at his updated IEP meeting it was decided he could return to his home school for 1st grade which makes it nicer for him and for us he can be with his older brother and ride the bus with him and we can have everyone in one building. I can not say enough about how wonderful the products in this store are. 

There is something for everyone in this store, right down to your pets. Lets help get the chemicals out of our homes and our bodies. 



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