Physical therapy was very crowded today, lots of people needing help. So it was a long process. I stopped at the grocery store to get some fruit for the grand kids and I walked down the cleaning aisle and looked at all these products and the prices they charge people and the toxic ingredients in these products. I think it is a no brainier if I can get better products that are all natural with no chemicals in it at wholesale prices, that are super concentrated so that I can get 6 spray bottles out of one bottle of cleaner that average out the bottles to .95 a bottle. That is less than a dollar store.

People are so stuck in their ways. So many people would just rather keep going to the same store buying the same products because it is easy and comfortable. As the head woman of this house it is my job to give my family the safest and give me the best products available. I have found that and I am so excited to share it with everyone.

Our products do not have any child proof caps. Why? Because they are non toxic even out toilet bowl cleaner which is the BEST I have ever used!!!

"According to the U.S. Poison Control Centers, "A child is accidentally poisoned every 30 seconds at home..."
The Average American Uses about 25 Gallons of toxic, hazardous chemical products per year in their home...A major portion of these can be found in household cleaning products."
—"Prosperity WithoutPollution,"by Joel S. Hirschorn and Kirsten V. Oldenburg, 1991


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