
Welcome everyone to my new blog. Here I plan on sharing with you my every day life and how the products that I use now are changing not only my life but the life of everyone that lives in my home. Even my pets which are many.

A little introduction my name is Gina I am married to Chris and we have three grown children two girls 28 and 23 and a son 20 . Currently we have custody of our four grandsons they are ages 7, 5, 16 months and 6 months and as you can imagine at our age we have catapulted back 20 years back to one income because our grandsons need stability and someone here for them and well let's face it the cost of child care is extreme and there is no way that we could ever afford to pay for four boys to be in one. So I started a new adventure with an online wellness shopping club that has Whole Food type products on a Wal-mart budget.

Let's face it we all shop for the things in my store every week or every other week. The difference is that we have wholesale prices for more quantity and we are a green company so there are no toxins or ingredients that would harm children or animals in it. Actually, there are no child safety caps on any of our products.

I invite you to look at our shopping list if you can click on any of these items that you use and you get a score of 35 or above you can shop here and save money and make your home safer.


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